6 Months of Voxer Support



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  • Preferred option
    Pay in Full (£1250.00 ) each month6x £1250.00
  • Preferred option
    Pay Weekly - *6 month commitment24x £325.00


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Remi Oduyemi
6 Months of  Business Voxer with Remi

I've got a proposition that'll make your heart skip a beat. Say goodbye to calls but keep that 1-on-1 magic with yours truly.

How? Easy peasy!
Just grab 6 months of Voxer with moi.

And let me tell you, the investment?
It's practically begging to be snatched up.
 Seriously, it's a steal!

Works out as £40 a day
for a coach in your pocket!

Picture this: I'm ready to join your team, as you step into a whole new level of freedom.

We're talking spaciousness, ease, wealth, and all those fabulous things you desire.

Can you feel the excitement?

Here's why 6 months is the perfect duration for our power-packed collaboration.

Together, we'll conquer that revenue mountain you've been eyeing. We'll dive deep into every aspect, leaving no stone unturned. Check out what's in store for you, darling:

 • We'll strategize the heck out of your big, dreamy revenue goals. I've got a proven process that aligns with your desires, making it practically irresistible for success to come knocking during our time together.

 • I'll take a peek at your content, from those captivating landing and sales pages to your irresistible social posts, story pitches, and emails. My feedback will elevate your game like never before.

• Got some pesky mindset roadblocks causing resistance or self-sabotage? No worries, babe. We'll tackle those head-on, arm in arm. Together, we'll smash through those mental barriers, clearing the path to your goals, launches, and strategies.

 • And let's not forget about the masterstroke—creating game plans and launch strategies that'll have you hitting those sign-up goals for your offers like a boss. Get ready to unleash your inner rockstar!

 But wait, there's more!

If you're feeling particularly fabulous and want to pay it all up front, I've got a discount of £400 with your name on it.

So, my friend, are you ready to seize this opportunity?

I can't wait to work with you, witness your transformation, and make those dreams a reality. Let's do this! 

Let's get this party started!

Limited spots available. Book now.

  • Total payment
  • 1xMentorship£0

All prices in GBP

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